In 1 Peter 3:1-7, Peter addresses Christian wives and calls them to a beauty deeper than outer appearances.
Read MoreIn 1 Peter 2:18-25, Peter instructs slaves to obey their masters with service to God in mind. Pastor Tom reviews the New Testament’s assessment of slavery, clarifies differences between 1st Century slavery and American slavery, and offers some application for a Western society without institutional slavery.
Read MoreIn 1 Peter 2:11-17, Peter instructs Christians on how they should conduct themselves in society, especially as to how they should respond to governmental authorities.
Read MoreIn 1 Peter 1:13-25, the apostle Peter calls Christians to live lives of holiness in Christ.
Read MoreIn 1 Peter 1:13-25, the apostle Peter calls Christians to live lives of holiness in Christ.
Read MoreIn 1 Peter 1:1-12, the Apostle addresses the churches of Asia Minor by pointing them back to the cause of their faith that allows them to rejoice, even in trials.
Read MoreThe Gospel of Matthew closes in Matthew 28:16-20 with Jesus commissioning his disciples to make disciples of all nations. Their mission continues to be our mission today.
Read MoreMatthew records in 27:62-28:15 the circumstances surrounding Jesus's resurrection from the dead and we consider the full weight of what means for Jesus to be alive.
Read MoreIn Matthew 27:27-61, Jesus is mocked by Roman soldiers, crucified, and buried. What does it all mean?
Read MoreIn Matthew 27:1-26, Pilate lets the crowd decide whether they want Jesus the Messiah or Jesus Barabbas to be released.
Read MoreIn Matthew 26:57-75, Jesus is put on trial before the Sanhedrin. Outside the court, Peter is faced with his own trial…
Read MoreIn Matthew 26:47-56, Jesus is arrested and one of the disciples takes drastic action.
Read MoreIn Matthew 26:31-46, Jesus shocks his disciples with the revelation that they will abandon him and prays in the garden of Gethsemane in preparation for imminent death.
Read MoreJudas Iscariot has been among the disciples all along but it's at this point in Matthew 26:14-30 that we see him step into clear view. His figure raises important questions and reveals important truths about God's plan to save the world through Jesus.
Read MoreIn Matthew 26:1-13, Jesus reminds his disciples of his approaching crucifixion and defends the lavish act of a woman in using costly oil to anoint him.
Read MoreIn Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus tells his disciples that when he comes in his glory he will judge all people, dividing them on the basis on how they responded to "the least of these."
Read MoreReturning to our series in the Gospel of Matthew, Pastor Tom picks up in 25:14-30 wherein Jesus offers the parable of the faithful servants and the unfaithful servant.
Read MoreIn part 3/3 of the Called to Lead sermon series, Pastor Tom examines what the Bible has to say about how we are to lead one another.
Read MoreIn part 2/3 of our "Called to Lead" sermon series, Pastor Tom looks at what the Bible has to say about where God is calling us as leaders.
Read MoreIn part 1/3 of our "Called to Lead" sermon series, Pastor Tom looks at what the Bible has to say about who God is calling to be leaders.
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