Deacon John Lotter invites us to consider God’s call to humility in 1 Peter 5:5-11.
Read MorePastor Tom invites us to read the Christmas story afresh, grasping its full significance through Paul’s testimony in Galatians 3:24 - 4:7.
Read MoreIn Matthew 24:36-51, Jesus teaches his disciples to be always be prepared for the end of the age and to live accordingly.
Read MoreIn Matthew 24:1-35, Jesus tells his disciples what they should expect leading up to the destruction of the Jerusalem and the end of age and shows special concern that they not fall for false messiahs.
Read MoreIn Matthew 23:13-39, Jesus declares seven woes over teachers of the law, hammering again and again how they have really missed what God desires most.
Read MoreIn Matthew 23:1-12, Jesus instructs his disciples in how they live differently from the Jewish religious leaders who were seeking to glorify themselves rather than God.
Read MoreIn Matthew 22:41-46, Jesus comes to the Pharisees with a question about the Messiah - a question that implies his claim to be both the Messiah and the Son of God.
Read MoreIn Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus says the commands to love God and neighbor are the greatest. Searching the Scriptures, we come to understand why that is.
Read MoreIn Matthew 22:23-33, Jesus responds to a trick question about the resurrection posed by the Sadducees.
Read MoreIn Matthew 22:15-22, Jesus reveals that the rule of government is not necessarily at odds with God's rule.
Read MoreIn Matthew 22:1-14, Jesus shares a third parable in which he reveals what it means to be among God's chosen people, in contrast with the high priests and elders who rejected him and those who are shown to have no place in God's Kingdom.
Read MoreIn Matthew 21:33-46, Jesus offers the high priests and elders of the people a second parable about a landowner his tenant farmers that reveals a rebuke against them and further revelation about Jesus's identity.
Read MoreIn Matthew 21:23-32, Jesus turns the tables on the Jewish religious leaders when they question him on his authority.
Read MoreIn Matthew 21:18-22, Jesus curses a fig tree. Why would he do that?
Read MoreEd Pichette, Executive Director of the TOGETHER RI, calls us to consider Christ's prayer for the unity of believers described in John 17.
Read MoreIn Matthew 21:12-17, Jesus enters the temple courts and turns over the tables of those selling animals and exchanging currency. Why does he do this?
Read MoreIn Matthew 21:1-11, Jesus enters into Jerusalem on the back of a young donkey, greeted with enthusiastic fanfare. He is fulfilling Messianic expectations, but also beginning to undermine the popular expectations of the people...
Read MorePastor Tom updates us on the direction RCC will be taking this Fall!
Read MoreIn Matthew 20:29-34, Jesus encounters two blind men who recognize him as the Son of David and plead for him to heal them.
Read MoreIn Matthew 20:17-28, Jesus prepares his disciples for the fate which awaits him in Jerusalem and corrects their understanding of what it means to be great in God's Kingdom.
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