After Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost, the people who heard his message respond with the question “What shall we do?” Peter’s tells the people to repent and be baptized, a call that still applies to us today.
Read MoreAs the Apostles await the baptism of the Holy Spirit, they trust in His power as they choose the disciple who will replace Judas as one of the twelve.
Read MoreIn the first sermon of a new series on The Spirit and the Church, Pastor Tom digs in to the first chapter of Acts, honing in on the Spirit promised to the apostles and the way that promise has been passed down to us.
Read MoreDeacon John Lotter presents Paul's exhortation in Ephesians 4 that the church be unified in Christ.
Read MoreDespite all of the troubles of this world, in Jesus we have a King that can redeem all things.
Read MoreBecause of the gift of Christ, we can be forgiven and brought back into relationship with our God.
Read MoreAs the children of Israel lay their father to rest, fear of retribution from Joseph starts to rise in the brothers, but Joseph offers mercy and forgiveness much like we are offered the same through Christ.
Read MoreAs Jacob's life comes to a close, he offers his final words of blessing and warning to his sons.
Read MoreThrough a season of hardship for Egypt and Canaan, God continues to bless the Israelite people according to His promise.
Read MoreAs Joseph reveals himself to his brothers, we see the changes in their hearts as well as the incredible faith shown by Joseph. Even in immensely difficult life circumstances, Joseph looks to God for purpose in his suffering.
Read MoreWhen trouble arises in Jacobs life, he is led to despair. As humans, we often find ourselves in similar situations, but God promises that though we face trouble, he has already overcome.
Read MoreEven when circumstances seem impossible by the world’s measures, God can move and make incredible things happen.
Read MoreAfter Joseph is sold into slavery by his brothers, he first prospers and then finds himself in more trouble. But through it all, he holds fast to his faith in God and holds true to his character, and God blesses him for it.
Read MoreThe story focus shifts to Jacob’s son Joseph. Favored by his father, Joseph is hated by his brothers; he is despised all the more after sharing his dreams depicting him in a position of authority over his family.
Read MoreEven through all of the trouble that Jacob faces away from home, God shows time and time again that he is with Jacob.
Read MoreEven through all of the trouble that Jacob faces away from home, God shows time and time again that he is with Jacob.
Read MoreGod anticipates the reality of human sinfulness but is able to work out his good purpose of redemption.
Read MoreIsaac faces uncertain circumstances and is reassured by God of His promises.
Read MoreAfter Abraham was chosen as the patriarch of a new nation, the story continues with his son Isaac. The mysteries of God’s plans continue into the stories of Abraham’s descendants.
Read MorePastor Tom introduces the next sermon series tracing the history of God’s chosen people.
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