In Acts 4:32-5:11, we hear how the early church is becoming a supportive community, and we learn from the example of Ananias and Sapphira about the significance of God’s holiness.
Read MoreIn Acts 4, we see the apostles filled with the Holy Spirit, who gives Peter and John the courage to give their defense to the high priest trying them for healing the lame man.
Read MoreIn Acts 3:1-4:4, we see Peter and John heal a man born lame, sparking faith in the man and all who were witness to the sign. Because of their attribution to the resurrected Jesus, the apostles are imprisoned by the Pharisees.
Read MoreIn Acts 2:42-47, we see the example of the early church being lived out. Pastor Tom walks through the passage and offers ways that we can live that example out even today.
Read MoreAfter Peter’s sermon on the day of Pentecost, the people who heard his message respond with the question “What shall we do?” Peter’s tells the people to repent and be baptized, a call that still applies to us today.
Read MoreAs the Apostles await the baptism of the Holy Spirit, they trust in His power as they choose the disciple who will replace Judas as one of the twelve.
Read MoreIn the first sermon of a new series on The Spirit and the Church, Pastor Tom digs in to the first chapter of Acts, honing in on the Spirit promised to the apostles and the way that promise has been passed down to us.
Read MorePastor Tom takes us to 2 Timothy 1 to recall the great gift we have been given in the person of the Holy Spirit and the call that rests upon us to utilize that gift in guarding and passing on the faith.
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