In Galatians 1:1-10, Paul exhorts the Galatians to stay true to the gospel that they were preached. They were falling prey to other, false gospels and this warning is still relevant in today’s world.
Read MorePastor Tom reminds us of the hope that we have in the resurrection of Christ.
Read MorePastor Tom digs in to the meaning behind the practice of communion, digging deeper into the new covenant we are promised through Christ.
Read MorePastor Tom digs in to the meaning behind the practice of communion, exploring parallels between the old covenant and the new covenant as well as our participation in Christ.
Read MoreIn Genesis 25, we reach the conclusion of the life of Abraham. Pastor Tom reviews his story and the lessons that we have learned from beginning to end.
Read MoreIn Genesis 24, we see the faithfulness of God in providing a wife from Isaac from the family of Abraham, and the way that He works in all circumstances.
Read MoreIn Genesis 23, we see the death of Sarah. Sarah lived a life waiting on God's promises; she received Isaac and awaits more. She is buried with promises and so are we.
Read MoreIn Genesis 22, we see God challenge Abraham’s faith by asking him to sacrifice his son, foreshadowing God’s own sacrifice for us.
Read MoreIn Genesis 21, we see the fulfillment of God's promise to Abraham and Sarah of a child, conflict with Hagar and Ishmael, and God's continued faithfulness despite the brokenness of man.
Read MoreIn Genesis 20 we see another failure of Abraham’s trust in God’s promises and the work of God’s redemption through the brokenness of man.
Read MoreIn Genesis 19, we see the justice of God played out on Sodom and Gomorrah and the mercy that he shows to Lot.
Content Warning: This passage deals with the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah as well as the sins of Lot’s daughters, which Pastor Tom deals with very directly.
Read MoreIn Genesis 18:16-33, God warns Abraham of what he has planned for Sodom and Gomorrah and Abraham entreats Him to save Lot.
Read MoreRev. William Mather (“Pastor Bill”) entered his rest on December 26, 2023 at the age of 93. Twenty-two years ago on December 23, 2001, Bill preached this Christmas message in support of Pastor Scott Aiken who was unable to preach that Sunday. Bill often helped with visitation and preaching as needed throughout his time at RCC.
Read MorePastor Tom digs into the Old Testament to explore the promises that foreshadowed Christ’s birth.
Read MorePastor Tom digs into the Old Testament to explore the promises that foreshadowed Christ’s birth.
Read MorePastor Tom digs into the Old Testament to explore the promises that foreshadowed Christ’s birth.
Read MorePastor Tom digs into the Old Testament to explore the promises that foreshadowed Christ’s birth.
Read MoreIn Genesis 18, we see Sarah doubt the promise of God because of the impossibility of it from a human point of view.
Read MorePastor Tom challenges us to consider not only what we are thankful for, but who we are thankful to.
Read MoreIn Genesis 17, we see another continuation and confirmation of God’s promises to Abraham. A physical symbol of God’s covenant is established through the practice of circumcision.
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