In Matthew 21:23-32, Jesus turns the tables on the Jewish religious leaders when they question him on his authority.
Read MoreIn Matthew 21:18-22, Jesus curses a fig tree. Why would he do that?
Read MoreEd Pichette, Executive Director of the TOGETHER RI, calls us to consider Christ's prayer for the unity of believers described in John 17.
Read MoreIn Matthew 21:12-17, Jesus enters the temple courts and turns over the tables of those selling animals and exchanging currency. Why does he do this?
Read MoreIn Matthew 21:1-11, Jesus enters into Jerusalem on the back of a young donkey, greeted with enthusiastic fanfare. He is fulfilling Messianic expectations, but also beginning to undermine the popular expectations of the people...
Read MorePastor Tom updates us on the direction RCC will be taking this Fall!
Read MoreIn Matthew 20:29-34, Jesus encounters two blind men who recognize him as the Son of David and plead for him to heal them.
Read MoreIn Matthew 20:17-28, Jesus prepares his disciples for the fate which awaits him in Jerusalem and corrects their understanding of what it means to be great in God's Kingdom.
Read MoreIn Matthew 20:1-16, Jesus tells the parable of a vineyard owner who repeatedly goes to market to hire workers. By the end of the parable, Jesus has driven home what he means when he says the "last shall be first."
Read MoreIn Matthew 19:13-30, Jesus reveals that God's Kingdom belongs to those who are like little children and has an encounter with a man who wants eternal life but clings to his wealth.
Read MoreIn Matthew 19:1-12, Jesus responds to the question of the Pharisees as to whether man can divorce his wife for any reason.
Read Moren Matthew 18:21-35, Jesus teaches his disciples the lengths to which they must go in showing mercy to those who have sinned against them.
Read MoreDeacon John Lotter surveys the New Testament, reminding us of the love and care that God offers us through the Church.
Read MoreIn Matthew 18:15-20, Jesus instructs his disciples to confront sins in each other's lives and how to go about it.
Read MoreIn Matthew 18:6-9, Jesus issues the warning that those who lead his disciples astray will face judgment, and that anyone who doesn't cut off those things leading them to sin will face the same consequence.
Read MoreIn Matthew 18:6-9, Jesus issues the warning that those who lead his disciples astray will face judgment, and that anyone who doesn't cut off those things leading them to sin will face the same consequence.
Read MoreIn Matthew 18:1-5, Jesus explains to the disciples how they can be great in God's Kingdom.
Read MoreIn Matthew 17:24-27, Jesus is confronted with a request to pay the temple tax - his response reveals more about his identity and a thought provoking example for us today.
Read MoreIn Matthew 17:14-23, Jesus reminds his disciples that if they just have faith in him they will be enabled to do all he has called them to do.
Read MoreIn Matthew 17:1-13, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John to the top of a high mountain. There he is transfigured and the disciples see more clearly who he is and how they should respond to him.
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