Are You Ready to Jump into Danger? - Pastor Tom Loghry

"Who are you to say I need Jesus?" It's a question demanding proof of authority. Yet the Christian claims no authority of her own - like the first disciples, we simply go as messengers of Christ, telling what we have been told. It's Jesus who first claims that we need him, that he has the salvation we've all been looking for. And he's not just a bunch of talk - his proof of authority is his power. And that power visibly reaches into the present in the lives and work of Christians today. The best Christian messengers evidence that power in every aspect of their lives.

Pastor Tom guides us in examining Matthew's account of Jesus's first commission to his 12 disciples to go town to town with the good news that God's Kingdom has come near to us.

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Gospel Authority - Pastor Tom Loghry

"Who are you to say I need Jesus?" It's a question demanding proof of authority. Yet the Christian claims no authority of her own - like the first disciples, we simply go as messengers of Christ, telling what we have been told. It's Jesus who first claims that we need him, that he has the salvation we've all been looking for. And he's not just a bunch of talk - his proof of authority is his power. And that power visibly reaches into the present in the lives and work of Christians today. The best Christian messengers evidence that power in every aspect of their lives.

Pastor Tom guides us in examining Matthew's account of Jesus's first commission to his 12 disciples to go town to town with the good news that God's Kingdom has come near to us.

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The Harvest is Plenty - Pastor Tom Loghry

When you look at the world, do you see the opportunities for the Gospel that Jesus sees? And before you blame the smallness of our churches on society, have you considered that the real problem is that we are not sending enough people out?

Join us for worship this Sunday as we hear the word of Christ in Matthew 9:35-38, orienting us to look upon the world with His vision.

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