Jesus Ties Everything Together - Pastor Tom Loghry

Reading the Old Testament can feel like entering an alien planet - the customs seem strange and the laws exacting. When Jesus appears, he seems to offer a better way. But while the way of Jesus is the best, he didn't come to replace or get rid of God's Law as revealed in the OT. He came to fulfill it! He came to tie everything together.

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Thomas Loghry
"This Is Us" - Pastor Tom Loghry

In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus teaches his disciples that they are the salt of the earth and the light of the world - sound intense? Well, whether you realized this or not, this is us! Join us as we learn what it means to be salt and light.

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Thomas Loghry
What's So Good About the Kingdom of God? - Pastor Tom Loghry

What's so good about the Kingdom of God?

Many things! But in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus specifically teaches his disciples what promises belong to them even as they follow Him and go against grain of the world's formula for success. In God's Kingdom, that formula gets flipped on its head! Take a listen as Pastor Tom takes us into Matthew 5:1-12.

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Thomas Loghry
Tested and Proven Faithful - Pastor Tom Loghry

What happens when Jesus gets tested by Satan?

Every person has broken trust with God at some point - it goes all the way back to Adam and Eve. Salvation begins with the restoration of trust, with someone breaking the pattern of defeat. Listen to Pastor Tom’s message from Matthew 4 to learn how Jesus does just that.

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Thomas Loghry
God With Us - Pastor Tom Loghry

Pastor Tom Loghry takes us into Matthew 1 wherein we learn the good news that Jesus Christ is the full realization of God’s promise that He would be with us and that our salvation begins with God becoming a human being.

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Thomas Loghry